I’m running for Congress in Louisiana 2nd Congressional District Two. People have concerns, they have questions. Constitutionally, we do have a right to peaceably assemble. We do – whether people like it or not, whether other people have ill intent or not. We have a right to do that. It’s what makes us unique, and it’s what makes us Americans.
What happened? The results are questionable, and rightfully so. Nothing good is actually done in the dark. This is not about Democrat or Republican; it’s about the people. I’m here to help the people. We have the fourth-worst congressional district in the country, one of the second-worst cities to live in, in this country. And the same politicians over and over and over, they keep doing the same thing.
It’s not about power for me. I’ve been to two Olympic Games, I’ve won NCAAs, I’ve won the Commonwealth Games gold medals. I know what it is to be around big, rich, powerful people. But Louisiana needs to know that they can become big, rich, and powerful, and they don’t have to depend on career politicians to make that. We need to rally Louisiana. It’s time for a change, man. It has been bad.
In 2005, after Hurricane Katrina hit, I was doing some volunteer work at the… It was the Centroplex at the time. And there was a guy they found in a cemetery in New Orleans, he was HIV positive. He was laying on a tomb, ready to die. He became hopeless. That’s the condition of 2nd Congressional District Two in Louisiana. They are hopeless. I was on the streets yesterday in New Orleans, and the people, they’re like, “Why should we trust you? We hear the same thing, they are shaking our hands and smiling in our faces, ‘We’re going to do this for you.'”
Well, you know why for me? Because I say this, they made me a champion and I want people to become a champion. I want to champion Congressional District Two, and I want patriots to get behind Congressional District Two. It ain’t no Democrat district, I don’t care how they vote. No party owns you because of your skin color. We got to get real.
You see, the Republican Party was formed to end this kind of bull crap, but we ain’t talking real. We talk a lot of crap, but we don’t talk to the people. We need to get in patriots, come to Louisiana. Come down there, walk in the Seventh, the Sixth, the Ninth Ward. Walk Algiers, come to Baton Rouge with me, come to Donaldsonville, Louisiana.
We need to change some things. We need to show them that we care. We’re not doing that, we’re just paying lip service. We try to hedge our bets – “We can win this race or that race.” But then we say the Democrats are running these cities in the ground. No! Get off your high horse and come and hit the ground with me. And I want patriots to get behind Congressional District Two. It ain’t no Democrat district, I don’t care how they vote.
No party owns you because of your skin color. We got to get real.